Friday, August 26, 2005

I see dead people

Crowbar456, formerly known as Elmdor, has come forth with the supposed ability to bring back from the dead TV shows from 80's-90's to its glorious primetime luster. Unlike the Prophet Yahweh or the more dubious "AntiSocialTragedy", he can deliver on his promises. He has already brought back many old favorites such as The A-Team, MacGyver, and Transformers. His miraculous abilities have gotten him the attention of Hollywood. A nameless Fox executive has been noted to have said, "Screw John Edwards! This guy is the real McCoy!" We hope that his powers are able to bring back Scotty because, frankly, Shatner can't hold his own on Boston Legal without him.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Moses said on to Yamies, "Let my pickles go."

The coming of the Anti-Salad is nigh!

My hatred for you knows no bounds says: (4:05:22 PM)
Did I tell you about the anti-salade?
Applesauce says: (4:06:04 PM)
My hatred for you knows no bounds says: (4:06:14 PM)
You want to hear about it?
Applesauce says: (4:06:33 PM)
My hatred for you knows no bounds says: (4:08:16 PM)
Well there is the tale of the salade that is the bane of all vegetarians
My hatred for you knows no bounds says: (4:08:32 PM)
The salade of pure evil and decent
My hatred for you knows no bounds says: (4:09:15 PM)
A salade that goes completely against the teachings of Mosses and other Holy Vegan figures
Applesauce says: (4:09:21 PM)
Applesauce says: (4:09:24 PM)
made of meat?
My hatred for you knows no bounds says: (4:09:33 PM)
shush let me tell the story
My hatred for you knows no bounds says: (4:09:44 PM)
Now where was I?
My hatred for you knows no bounds says: (4:09:54 PM)
Oh yes
My hatred for you knows no bounds says: (4:10:22 PM)
This salade is prophesized to be tossed in a butcher's shop
My hatred for you knows no bounds says: (4:10:28 PM)
With beef
My hatred for you knows no bounds says: (4:10:30 PM)
My hatred for you knows no bounds says: (4:10:48 PM)
and most of all pork
Applesauce says: (4:10:57 PM)
It's called "antipasto".
Applesauce says: (4:11:02 PM)
I've had it before.
My hatred for you knows no bounds says: (4:11:16 PM)
Shut up you are ruining the story
My hatred for you knows no bounds says: (4:11:29 PM)
As I was saying
My hatred for you knows no bounds says: (4:11:47 PM)
This days will be known as the coming of the anti-salade
Applesauce says: (4:12:06 PM)
My hatred for you knows no bounds says: (4:13:22 PM)
and the anti-salade is said to them sweep across the globe
My hatred for you knows no bounds says: (4:13:29 PM)
taking the world by storm
My hatred for you knows no bounds says: (4:13:52 PM)
converting many good-moraled vegans
My hatred for you knows no bounds says: (4:14:03 PM)
into blasphemous carnivores
Applesauce says: (4:14:21 PM)
I hate antipasto.
My hatred for you knows no bounds says: (4:14:43 PM)
but then, the few that resist, will be blessed at the end times
My hatred for you knows no bounds says: (4:15:01 PM)
and those that had of the anti-salade will be cast into hell
My hatred for you knows no bounds says: (4:15:05 PM)
oK I am done
Applesauce says: (4:15:09 PM)
My hatred for you knows no bounds says: (4:15:11 PM)
so it does exist
Applesauce says: (4:15:14 PM)
I love your story!
Applesauce says: (4:15:18 PM)
Yes, but not so much meat.
Applesauce says: (4:15:37 PM)
Most salami and sausage as well as spirally pasta noodles.
My hatred for you knows no bounds says: (4:16:33 PM)
yeah well this is a salade made completely with meat
My hatred for you knows no bounds says: (4:16:42 PM)
and lots of pork
Applesauce says: (4:16:48 PM)
Applesauce says: (4:18:11 PM)
I don't like this salad.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Substance abuse

Ok. I am putting this up since I am not the only one sick of this. I was going to write a story on Googlebot, but guess what? You retards spammed it to the point that it is no longer funny. Is it really that hard to put something up with some substance? That flash that Jonexe linked to was I say rather witty, but there are people that post, which I won't name, that have no substance to them or anything that spews forth from their keyboard. It is time to take this lame horse out to pasture.

Oh, you want something funny. Member Kaus is the head of a child porn ring.

And a lowly reporter did what the police and the military couldn't do.
Revealed! Unibx is a chick!

Breaking news! Animal's rights activist, OmniRose, alienates community by eating the egg of the endangered Martian Giant Boogalu Fly.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

We interrupt your schedule programming

To bring you something completely unrelated.
La la la.
La la la.
La la la.
La la la.
La la squeak!!!!!!
We hang our heads in shame today, for today something awful happened. And you are the victims.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Now on the battlelines

To complete the fall of admins, Grey has come down with a mysterious strain of Ebola. It is presumed that he was infected with the virus during the "Ape Snake mission". It is unknown how he contracted the disease in the jungle or whether or not if anyone else is in danger. In quarantine when he finally regained consciousness, we were able to speak with him about his monkey-catching mission. "They just sit there with their stupid grins and when you think you got them, their stupid lights turn red and then they go berserk!" he said. "Their arms; they flail them like a pinwheel. There is no way a grown man three times their size could stand up to that!" he said as the terror began to reveal itself in his voice. Regaining his composure, we asked how he survived out in the jungle for so long. "It was hard. There was nothing but snakes and rats. Milk snakes taste awful. I had to survive off the meat of European grey rats." Apparently he is not only is he a snake eater, but also a cannibal. His only regret in this mission was that, "I wished I got rid of this damn mullet."

In other war-time news "Operation Dew Drop" failed miserably. In an attempt to gain more intelligence on the nebulous unibx, the group known as the Drink Tank invited ... it, for the lack of better words, out of a drink. Several attempts were made to get him/her to join in on trying to drink each other under the table. They all failed. What a pansy. It was settled then that unibx would be drinking sodas, lime juice, and the blood of virgin women, good luck with that last one, while the rest of them got wasted. While those lime-encrusted veterans of the bar lived it up, a person, who we shall call Kat, remained sober and DID HER JOB. The Drink Tank and unibx returned to RPGR after they spent well over 10 Euros, which is the equivalent to $1,000,000, where all but unibx passed out immediately. He/she then thanked Kat for all the free drinks and told her that she was looking a little pail, wiping off the trail of blood running down her hand and then licking it *insert disturbed emoticon here*. This is when, "Operation Dew Drop" went in to full swing. She/he then announced that he/she needed to use the bathroom. An operative was standing in wait to uncover the truth about unibx. Unfortunately, she/he was one step ahead. Instead, unibx walked past both the men's room and women's room and went straight into the breakroom. And did their ungendered deed on the breakroom table. Yes, the table. The very same table we all have/had sex on. And gotten a terrible rash from.