Friday, September 09, 2005


Pet me kindly Kira-Kun.

Down boy! Take that you Son of a Bitch! (Ok, not that funny.)

Thursday, September 08, 2005

More fun with member photos

Group photo time. Today, I met with Chloe and Bevvie in a pasture. I know what you are going to say. It's not nice to call ladies cattle.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Revolution Brothers!

You knew this time would come. With the final broth revealing himself we can now take control of RPGR. What those crackers don't know is that most of us are aren't pasty asset like them. No, we control everything. It's time to revolt, we aren't gone' be put down anion'. It is time to reclaim what is ours, they oppressed us for too long. BLACK POWER! BLACK POWER BROTHERS! We'll kill all that stand in our way! We will claim all the rap's for ourselves and our people!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Shopping for the Fall Fashions

Well I spent a day with Dark Sabbath, and he taught me some tips in looking stylish while on a rather tight budget. I met up with him in his favorite hangout. The graveyard. Go figure. I guess Goth is in this year. Our first stop was to freshly dug grave which was fortunate for us, maybe just him, and unfortunate for the Cadaver'’s family, was too shallow. After unearthing the remains of an old man, we saw that he was sporting duds from the 1970's. Everyone knows that stuff from 30 years ago is always in style again. If it weren't for the fact that most designers are blond, I would wonder why fashion is so hard. Well after disrobing him and giving one final complement to his fashion sense by leaving him naked. One of us was fully dress. Yes, he took the underpants. And yes, Dark Sabbath came nude. And yes, I didn't run at the sight of a naked man in a graveyard. I guess that makes me the creep. Well at this point, I was done looking for clothes, but he said that I he wanted to get me something too. I think he just wanted to get me naked. We came across an open grave. It was Cirobi's, who recently died after ingesting a poisonous glow cap in an effort to recharge her batteries. She was wearing a yellow sun dress which was nothing more than a wet rag in the rain. I don't know what is appropriate attire to wear these days, much less what to be buried in. FOR GODSAKES I AM TAKING ADVICE FROM A NAKED MAN IN A GRAVEYARD! Anyways after his preliminary disrobing, he told me this would get ugly and I might just want to look away. After hearing that, I ran as far as I could, hoping to get at least out of earshot before it was too late, because frankly, men that you meet naked in a graveyard are creepy.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Labor Day special

Not much time to write this because unibx, needs to go to the hospital. Yep it's not Labor Day without someone going into labor. I hope it's not another egg this time.